Event Calendar

Working Bee @ Electric Eels Swimming Club
Aug 26 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

In readiness for our first club night on Friday 6 October, the committee has decided to schedule a working bee at the pool on Saturday 26 August commencing at 8am.

I’d ask all parents, if they could spare an hour or so on this morning, to assist with mowing, wipper snipping, pruning, painting, checking lane ropes, removing unwanted items and general tidy up of pool facility.

Those parents that are available we will need mowers, wipper snippers, brooms to assist on the day.

If one of the dads has a chainsaw could you please let me know and bring it along on the day? We have been given approval by the school principal to cut some of the smaller trees down close to the kiosk.

I will be bringing a trailer and will be taking rubbish to the tip. Could I ask that if you have any left over dump vouchers could you give to Paula through the week at training or bring on the day. These vouchers expire on 31 August so they need to be used by then.

A complimentary BBQ breakfast & refreshments will be provided for everyone. For catering purposes could you please let me know if you are able to attend on the morning.

More hands make light work so the more the merrier will ensure we can wrap the working bee up mid morning.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the day.

Eels Sign On Day @ Electric Eels Swimming Club
Sep 2 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm